Friday, August 29, 2008

The Brit Comes to Yankeeland

(Although Graham has come and gone, the next few posts will recap our adventures.)

Day 1: Tuesday, August 19

Graham (my Brit pal and hereafter referred to as "GT") arrived yesterday at about 6:30 pm. It's so great to see him again - it's been 16 months since I visited him in England. In my usual style I made tentative plans which almost immediately fell through due to my failure to book accommodations. But GT and I are nothing if not flexible - we decided to skip the B&Bs and go for day trips.

Today we stayed relatively close to home, visiting Three Rivers Wildlife Mgt. Area, Beaver Lake Nature Center, and Montezuma. GT is a lifelong birder (a "twitcher" in Britspeak) and leads nature walks back in UK so I know a hike anywhere we can find birds will make him happy.

I was dismayed to see the eagle's nest gone at Three Rivers. There was one of the 1st years in a tree on the island but he was the only remnant of the family that we saw. No eagles at Mud Lock either but there were two ospreys in the trees near the eagle's nest. We also saw a green heron standing next to a great blue, and several great egrets at Montezuma's Tschache Pool. All in all a great first day. Stay tuned for Wednesday's adventures.


Sarah C. O'Neill said...

Heh, I love the ducks all in a row on the log.

Anonymous said...

That's the first blog 'Zuma pic of that log that I didn't take. Weird looking at it.

The great one is the little heron looking at the big one. I bet you were pretty proud of that one.

Check it and see if you can bring down the brightness a toodge. Might be crisper...