Friday, June 27, 2008

Spiders and Birdies and Frogs, OH MY!

Today's destination - Beaver Lake Nature Center. I took the Lake Loop Trail, 3 miles around the lake. The day was mostly overcast and very muggy. Much to my disappointment I saw very little wildlife. A spider web and a bunch of bullfrogs, but otherwise pretty quiet (except for the dueling squirrels which were a hoot to watch). When I got back to the lodge I sat and watched the birds at the feeders and took photos just so I wouldn't be completely skunked. I did have fun experimenting with the camera. What do you think?

After Beaver Lake I took a quick side trip to Three Rivers to check out the eagle family. Their nest is too far away to get good shots but I caught Papa (or Mama?) Eagle fishing for dinner. Not a bad day after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surpise! I like the bird shots very much and the tree! Not so much the squirrels though. Boo squirrels.

Keep it up. The camera works well. Now you've got to figure out how to annotate the pictures.