Monday, September 1, 2008

Gimme a Break!

Days 4-6: Friday, August 22-Sunday, August 24

Funny how 4 hours of hiking and 3 hours of driving will wear you out...Friday all I want to do is sleep but I don't want to disappoint my guest so we stay local, deciding to visit Pratt's Falls and then lunch at William Park down the street from me on Oneida Lake. We manage to see several kinds of gulls and terns including Bonaparte's and ring-billed gulls and common and gull-billed terns. An afternoon nap perks me up a bit and we dine at home then watch some westerns -- GT's favorites.

On Saturday it's a family cookout at my brother's house. We treat GT to a typical central New York picnic: Hoffmann's dogs, burgers, salt potatoes, baked beans, and sweet corn. A little swim, a little hike and we're good to go.

Sunday since rain threatens we decide to postpone our trip west for a day, instead strolling the Creek Walk at the Inner Harbor in Syracuse where we see a greater black-backed gull and a double-crested cromorant, and then heading to Brewerton for a lunch on the river.

Okay.....'nuf slouching! Tomorrow we're off again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's that falls?

Seagulls are too often ignored by photographers. That shot of the (Caspian?) Tern is so sharp and in focus.