Sunday, October 11, 2009

36 miles. Uphill. Into the blustery wind.

A record bike ride for me today. Although we did not initially plan such a long ride we completed 36 miles. We started at Camillus Airport and rode to Weedsport to say hi to Ben, Laura, and Kelsey. Well, geez, after all the route took us to Jordan so what's another few miles? We dressed for the weather and brought water and snacks but did not take note of the cold, strong west wind. The first 18 miles were wicked. Riding into the wind made small uphill inclines feel like mountains and by the time we got to Weedsport Charlie and I agreed it was an unusually tough ride. After a brief visit and a rejuvenating sandwich we headed back - this time with a tailwind and more downhill than up. My legs were spent and I have to admit that I walked up the last couple of hills. But 36 miles is 10 miles farther than my previous best and I am tired but pleased. Walking, running, cycling is challenging when you do it but so satisfying when you've finished.
Update on the shoulder: No tear, just lots of inflammation. Had a cortisone shot which helped very briefly, start PT soon. Ironically I can ride like I did today with no discomfort but getting dressed or trying to roll over in bed hurts like hell!


Max said...

Sounds like Charlie is good for you.

BTW careful with those steroids and blood sugar. Keep a close eye on that.

'Course ridding the bike is a great way to bring your sugar down!

Sarah C. O'Neill said...

Wow, congrats on doing 36 miles! I am in awe!